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The First Miracle of 2023!

I believe in miracles and when you are an advocate for animals, miracle days and happy endings are the best.

Refreshed and ready for a new year, 2023, here we go!!! I was scrolling through social media and the sweetest little face was looking back at me. A senior Pomeranian needed to be rehomed due to health issues her human parents were having. This sweet 14-year-old was destined for the shelter, pleas for a home were going nowhere.

Everyone I know is at their doggie limit, but I could not resist those senior eyes. I decided to reach out to my groomer, hoping she had some "pom loving people" that might say yes. Honestly, I didn't have high hopes. After sending the story with a picture, I didn't receive a response. It was then I decided that I had tried, no response is in fact a response, but I tried.

This is where the miracle happens. Turns out my groomer was having issues with her phone. She had a friend working to fix the issue. When the phone started working and all her messages popped up, it was the picture of the pom. It gets better, a pom lover was repairing the phone. She surely thought she was being setup, but no, it was a miracle. Within 24 hours of the woman seeing the sweet senior’s picture, she was in a home. Within another 24 hours, she got a new hairdo and her new family reported she is well and loved!!!

Thank you to those who reached out for this dog and did not give up. Thank you to the family who said yes!!! This girl is in a wonderful home instead of a crowded shelter and the whole story is truly a miracle! I believe!!


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